People keep asking me „what GRAVITAS means“

Gravitas was one of the Roman virtues. It comes from a Latin word. Nowadays, if your say that someone has gravitas, you mean that you respect them because they seem serious and intelligent. Giving a sense of importance and a feeling of a depth of their personality.

How do you recognize gravitas?
ENSI was conducting a research, asking about gravitas to few CEOs. The general view was that a person transfers a feeling of competence, calmness and expertise in the way he or she acts as default behaviour. And that some people may have more than others. Some thought that it is possible to recognise if a person has a gravitas even before having spoken.  Another thought was that a person leading with authority often has the gravitas quality.

Is it necessary to have gravitas to be successful?
Of course not. In certain sense, gravitas can be considered as a natural gift. People having gravitas may be in leadership, sport, politics but also the art. However, mastering the art of communicating helps to give a perception similar of having a gravitas.

Do you know anyone that has gravitas? What impact does it have on you when they are leading a conversation?

What does gravitas mean in a business conversation? 
Digging more into the art of influencing, you will understand that selecting right people for the right progress during specific conversations is important. And digging more into the art of negotiating, you will understand that for those negotiations where strong leadership skills are required it is literally smart including a person having a gravitas.

If you want to check one of options to develop your business gravitas, have a look to the program BUSINESS CHARISMA BOOSTER

This article includes an outcome of a research and also an opinion of ENSI.

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